Michelle Wang

P.App, AACI, B.Comm | Principal

Michelle started her career in Real Estate Appraisals in 2015 after completing a Bachelors of Real Estate Development from the Sauder School of Business. She has since completed valuations in residential, rural and commercial properties for mortgage financing, asset valuation, construction, litigation, and consulting purposes. She achieved her AACI designation with the Appraisal Institute of Canada in 2022 and remains a member in good standing.

Michelle’s expertise includes form, semi-narrative, and narrative reports for various institutions. Her appraisal reports have been recognized by banks, credit unions, and alternative lenders such as MICs and private investors, and CRA. She has continued to improve her proficiency in data analysis and modelling through pursuing continuous education, such as advanced excel modelling and programming courses. She has developed a reputation in the sector for her ability to navigate through complex appraisal problems and strong customer service skills.

When Michelle is not working, she enjoys spending time with her dog, Milo, and volunteer work. After achieving her AACI, she has stepped into the role study buddy for Big Sister and also currently volunteers with the Greater Vancouver Food Bank.